Seminar “Innovative emballager & effektive logistikløsninger” (Billund – DENMARK)
During the Seminar organized by the “Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab” (The Danish Society of Dairy Technology) about packaging innovations applied to dairy products, AINIA presented the WHEYPACK project in his presentation “WHEYPACK: Production of biodegradable packages from whey surplus”.
LIFE Platform Meeting “Plastics in a Circular Economy” (Athens – GREECE)
During this LIFE Platform Meeting organized by the European Union in Athens, AINIA participated in the Workshop “Bioplastics” and performed networking contacts with several LIFE and H2020 projects.
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Infoday Regional LIFE Program 2017 (Valencia)
During this business day of networking organized by REDIT (Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunidad Valenciana) and the Cámara de Comercio, several LIFE projects, including the WHEYPACK project, were presented.
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5th meeting and project Monitor and Officers visit (Valencia)
The members of the WHEYPACK consortium met on the 5th May in AINIA (Valencia) at the fifth meeting of the project to receive the visit of the project monitor and the officers in charge of the project. The latest developments of the project were presented. |
Visit of Estonian and Lithuanian delegations (LIFE capacity building projects) from
the “Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Estonia” and the “Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania” (Valencia)
During this networking action organized by the Spanish “Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente” in AINIA facilities, AINIAs on going and finished LIFE projects were presented: Integral B and OZONECIP (finished); WHEYPACK, LO2X, STO3RE, ECODHYBAT and SOSTRICE (on going). |
The first WHEYPACK project packages are obtained thanks to the collaboration of NUTRIPACK (www.nutripack.es).
21/03/17 |
VI International Seminar “Biopolymers and sustainable composites”. (Valencia)
AIMPLAS organized this event in which various dissemination actions were carried out. On the one hand, the consortium organized a workshop on the LIFE + WHEYPACK Project: "Production of biodegradable packaging from whey surplus". On the other hand, the WHEYPACK project was sponsor of the event, informing and delivering brochures in its stand to attendees. Furthermore, a poster of the project was also presented at the poster session of the seminar. |
4th meeting and project Monitor visit (Valencia)
Some members of the WHEYPACK consortium met on the 20th January in AINIA (Valencia) at the fourth meeting of the project to receive the visit of the project monitor. The latest developments of the project were presented. |
International fair “K 2016. Trade Fair Plastics and Rubber”
AIMPLAS exhibited on 19 - 26th October in its stand, leaflets of WHEYPACK project, using the occasion to inform about the project and deliver leaflets to Congress visitors. |
Visit of Climate KIC Journey (EIT - European Institute of Innovation & Technology) to AINIA (Valencia)
The WHEYPACK project was presented to a group of students coming from different European Universities, during this dissemination action organized by “Universitat de Valencia” to Climate KIC Journey. |
Infoday Regional LIFE Program 2016 (Valencia)
During this business day of networking organized by REDIT (Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunidad Valenciana) and the Cámara de Comercio, several LIFE projects, including the WHEYPACK project, were presented.
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Course “Selection of materials for food packaging in rigid plastic packaging” (Valencia)
During this course organized by AINIA and AIMPLAS in Session 7, "Trends and new developments in plastic packages" the WHEYPACK project was presented.
2ª edición de ENVIFOOD Meeting Point (Madrid).
The ENVIFOOD Congress is the meeting point which displays specific environmental solutions and discuss strategic issues of sustainability to companies in the food sector. AINIA exhibited in its stand a poster of WHEYPACK project, using the occasion to inform about the project and deliver leaflets to Congress visitors.
Visit of the Hungarian delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture - Hungary LIFE National Contact Point (Development Coordination and Strategic Unit) (Valencia)
During this networking action organized by the Spanish “Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente” in AINIA facilities, AINIAs on going and finished LIFE projects were presented: Integral B and OZONECIP (finished); WHEYPACK, LO2X, STO3RE, ECODHYBAT and SOSTRICE (on going) |
3rd meeting (Valencia)
The members of the consortium of WHEYPACK got together on the 7th Apri in AINIA (Valencia) for the third meeting of the project. We discussed about the latest achievements in the development of the project. |
Course “Selection of materials for food packaging in rigid plastic packaging” (Valencia)
During this course organized by AINIA and AIMPLAS in Session 7, "Trends and new developments in plastic packages" the WHEYPACK project was presented. |
EMPACK 2015 Porto. The future of the packaging technology (Oporto – PORTUGAL)
AIMPLAS mostró en su stand en el recinto de la Feria leaflets del proyecto, aprovechando la occasion para informar sobre el proyecto y repartir leaflets a los visitants interesados. |
Infoday Regional LIFE Program 2015 (Valencia)
During this business day of networking organized by REDIT (Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunidad Valenciana) and the Cámara de Comercio, several LIFE projects, including the WHEYPACK project, were presented.
HISPACK 2015. The Future becomes packaging (Barcelona)
21-24 April 2015
At the Trendpack Area on 24th April 2015, AINIA introduced WHEYPACK project in its presentation about “Reducing food wastage through packaging adapted to consumers’ needs”.
(More info) |
MEETINGPACK 2015. Innovations in barrier materials and packaging, manufacturing processes and packaging systems (Valencia)
25-26 February 2015
AINIA and AIMPLAS organised this event, in which the following dissemination actions were performed. On one hand, AINIA introduced WHEYPACK project in its presentation about “Reducing food waste through innovation in packaging technologies”. On the other hand, the consortium organised a Workshop of LIFE+ WHEYPACK Project: “Production of biodegradable packages from whey surplus”.
( More info) |
2nd meeting (Valencia)
24 February 2015
The members of the consortium of WHEYPACK got together on the 24th February in AIMPLAS (Valencia) for the second meeting of the project. We will discuss about the latest achievements in the development of the project. |
EMPACK 2014. The Future of Packaging Technologies (Madrid)
AINIA and AIMPLAS participated in an event on bioplastics applied to packaging. During this event, AINIA within its presentation gave an introduction of WHEYPACK project. |
Workshop “Biopolymers: Present and Future Directions (Sao Paulo - BRAZIL)
During the Workshop organized in Brazil by the PHBOTTLE project Consortium (FP7-NMP-2011-SMALL-5. No. 280831) about biopolymers, AINIA presented the WHEYPACK project in his presentation “Obtaining biopolymers from waste generated in the agro-food sector”. |
Meeting of LIFE 13 partners from “Comunitad Valenciana”
The “Dirección General de Proyectos y Fondos Europeos” of the regional government of Valencia organised this event in order to know about 2013 ongoing LIFE projects that are being carried out in the Comunidad Valencina, and give an opportunity of knowing about and networking between them.
Kick-off meeting (Valencia)
The members of the consortium of WHEYPACK got together on the 26th June in AINIA (Valencia) for the kick-off meeting of the project. On the basis of the general and particular objectives, the first steps of the project were agreed.
ENVIFOOD Meeting Point 2014 (Madrid)
AINIA, golden sponsorship of ENVIFOOD meeting point, participated in an event on energy efficiency and renewables in the agro-food sector. During this event, AINIA gave a presentation showing WHEYPACK project.