WHEYPACK project wants to demonstrate that carbon footprint of manufacturing process of PHB-based food packaging is lower than current manufacturing processes of PP-based ones.
The main objectives of the project are:
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Demonstration of the environmental, technical and economical feasibility of performing PHB based packaging manufacturing processes from whey, considering all the chain steps involved in this industry so closing a loop: 1) PHB bioproduction from whey, 2)polymer compounding, 3)PHB-based package manufacturing and 4) use by the cheese maker at a small scale. So the key stages of the chain are considered in the project.
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Demonstration that total greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint as CO2 equiv.) of the production process is lower than current manufacturing process of petrol-based food packages (polypropylene, PP).
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Definition of the PHB bioproduction and recovery processes from whey at pilot plant scale. Study of the scale up conditions from pilot plant to industrial scale.
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Formulation, compounding and adjustment of the PHB polymer in order to improve its processability properties for injection moulding process.
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Development of 100% biodegradable PHB-based packages (trays) and demonstration of their application to dairy products: cheese packaging.